January 16, 2017
Your guide to what’s happening on Chincoteague Island.
We hope you are enjoying your Martin Luther King Jr. holiday! In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., entrance to Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge is free today (January 16, 2017).
What a difference in weather since our last “Island Time” post one week ago. At that time the Island was covered in a foot of snow! For the rest of the week high temperatures are forecast to be in the low to mid 50s with chances of rain on Tuesday and Friday.
We hope that you are planning to visit Chincoteague Island in 2017.
Upcoming Events
January 16, 2017
FREE Entrance to the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge
In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., entrance to Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge will be free on January 16, 2017.
January 20, 2017
Steamed Shrimp & Clams Dinner
Steamed Shrimp & Clams Dinner. 5pm-7pm. At the Chincoteague American Legion, Post 159, 4023 Main Street. Carry out available after 6:30, supplies permitting. For more details: Visit www.chincoteaguelegion159.org/site/eventscalendar.php?y=2016&m=10#listing1713.
Time: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Location: Chincoteague American Legion (4023 Main Street)
Sponsor: Chincoteague American Legion, Post 159
January 20, 2017
2017 Classic Film Series
A different classic film is shown at the Island Theatre (4074 Main Street) every Friday evening at 7pm, January through May. Admission is $5. This week’s classic film selection, Breakfast at Tiffanys (1961), is sponsored by Wine, Cheese & More. For more details: Visit chincoteagueislandarts.org.
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Island Theatre (4074 Main Street)
Sponsor: Chincoteague Island Arts Organization (CIAO)
January 21, 2017
Island Coffeehouse
Each month, the Island Coffeehouse presents a variety of arts in a listening room environment. Enjoy performances by acoustic musicians and spoken word artists, view some visual art, and savor food and drinks in a convivial atmosphere. Doors open 6:30 pm; Performances begin 7:00pm. Fee: $5; $3 for students aged 22 and under. For more details: Visit www.chincoteagueculturalalliance.org/coffeehouse.htmlytelling-guild.html.
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Chincoteague Cultural Alliance (6309 Church Street)
Sponsor: Chincoteague Cultural Alliance
January 21, 2017
STEM in the Sky Astronomy Series: Solar Viewing
Learn about Earth’s sun and participate in solar viewing through high powered telescopes, as well as sun-themed activities and movies on Saturday, January 21st between 1 – 3 p.m. This event will occur regardless of weather, however, solar telescope viewing is subject to cancellation due to inclement weather. Admission is free. For more details: Call 757-824-1344. Visit www.nasa.gov/centers/wallops/visitorcenter.
Time: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Location: NASA Wallops Flight Facility Visitor Center (Route 175, Wallops Island 23337)
Sponsor: NASA Wallops Flight Facility Visitor Center
January 21, 2017
Cub Scout STEM Day
The Boy Scouts of America, Del-Mar-Va Council will be hosting a Cub Scout STEM Day with the NASA Wallops Flight Facility Visitor Center on Saturday, January 21st. During the event, Cub Scouts will have an opportunity to complete a portion of the Out of this World NOVA Award. The focus will be on achieving the requirements that are more difficult to do outside of a home or Den meeting setting. The Visitor Center will provide a variety of hands-on activities through a series of STEM stations where scouts will learn about the Solar System, Earth’s Moon, eclipses and the Sun. The event will include solar viewing through telescopes (weather permitting) provided by the Delmarva Space Sciences Foundation. For more details: Visit www.nasa.gov/content/wallops-visitor-center/special-events.
Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Location: NASA Wallops Flight Facility Visitor Center
Sponsor: NASA Wallops Flight Facility Visitor Center
January 27, 2017
Chincoteague Story Telling Guild
Refreshments at 6:30pm and Story Telling starts at 7pm at the Chincoteague Island Library, 4077 Main St. Free admission. The Chincoteague Storytelling Guild is a partnership of the Chincoteague Island Library, the Museum of Chincoteague Island, and the Chincoteague Cultural Alliance (CCA). CCA continues to work with the Virginia Storytelling Alliance to advance the art of storytelling in all its forms. For more details: Visit www.chincoteagueculturalalliance.org/chincoteague-storytelling-guild.html.
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Chincoteague Island Library (4077 Main Street)
Sponsor: Chincoteague Cultural Alliance
January 27, 2017
2017 Classic Film Series
A different classic film is shown at the Island Theatre (4074 Main Street) every Friday evening at 7pm, January through May. Admission is $5. This week’s classic film selection, Nashville (1975), is sponsored by Walter/Nancy Lane. For more details: Visit chincoteagueislandarts.org.
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Island Theatre (4074 Main Street)
Sponsor: Chincoteague Island Arts Organization (CIAO)

Chincoteague Volunteer Fireman provide hay to the Ponies during Winter Storm Helena. Photo credit: Denise Bowden
Mark Your Calendar
Chincoteague Bay Field Station’s Nature Lovers Dinner and Trivia: February 11, 2017 at 6pm. www.cbfieldstation.org/nature-lovers-dinner.html
Death By Chocolate: February 17 – February 18, 2017 www.chincoteaguemerchants.com/our-events.html
In Search of Shamrocks: March 18, 2017 www.chincoteaguemerchants.com/our-events.html
Chincoteague Island Theatre Company Winter Play “The Curious Savage”: February 10, 11, 18, 19. Tickets go on sale January 20 for $10 each.
2017 Spring Pony Roundup: April 7 & 8.
49th Annual Chincoteague Seafood Festival: May 6, 2017 at 10am.
2017 Carnival Dates: June 23, 24, 30, July 1 (Fireworks at 10:00 PM), 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26 (Pony Swim, time to be announced), 27 (Pony Auction 8:00 AM), 28, and 29.
2017 Independence Day Fireworks Celebration: July 1 at 10 pm.
2017 Pony Swim: July 26 (the swim time will be announced at the Carnival).

A special visitor has been hanging around Assateague Island this winter, the Snowy Owl. Photo credit: MGB Photography.
News & Announcements
EVERY Monday the Manna Café serves FREE hot lunch to people who live in the Chincoteague community. The lunch is served in the Social Hall at Christ United Methodist Church (6253 Church Street) from 11am until 1pm.
The Planning Commission heard public comment about the proposed Chincoteague Waterpark on Jan. 10th. A Planning Commission Workshop Meeting to further discuss the Waterpark will be held on Jan. 17th. The meeting agenda can be found on the Town’s Website. chincoteague-va.gov/
Town of Chincoteague is seeking a new Town Manager. More information and application can be found on the Town’s Website. chincoteague-va.gov/
The Museum of Chincoteague Island is extending and expanding its exhibit “When Assateague was Home”. All are welcome to view the updated exhibit when the Museum reopens in late March. The exhibit features personal memories, photographs, and artifacts relating to Assateague Village from the 19th and 20th centuries. The Museum is urgently asking anyone who has stories, memories, and/or artifacts (to loan or photograph) relating to Assateague Village to please contact us. If you’re willing to share a memory, the Museum will set up an interview with you. Please contact the Museum at (757) 336-6117 or [email protected]
The Chincoteague Cultural Alliance is starting Bingo for Seniors! Come out and enjoy an afternoon of fun and socializing. Games are only $.25 each. Win prizes from local restaurants and shops. Last Monday of each month, 1:00 – 3:00pm. For more details visit www.chincoteagueculturalalliance.org/bingo-for-seniors.html.
Chincoteague Island made Money Magazine’s list of “12 Great Places to Go In 2017 – and How to Do Them on a Budget” – Click here to read the article
Spring Break & Summer Camps are now open for 2017 at Chincoteague Bay Field Station. Learn more at: www.cbfieldstation.org/youth-camps
Next Rocket Launch from Wallops Island
Sounding rocket tech development
This will be a test of a technology development for the deployment of payload components in support of future sounding rocket missions.
Date: April 13 – 27, 2017
Time: TBD
Rocket Type: Suborbital